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Community Centre


​Craigmillar's oldest asset


Sandy's Community Centre has helped generations of Craigmillar people to build a sense of community through sport, arts and coming together to share learning and development activities.

The building was first given to Craigmillar by Edinburgh Watsonian's Club in 1935, building a fine reputation as a boxing club as well as a social hub over many years and named after the first club leader.

The Centre was managed between 1974 and 2017 by City of Edinburgh Council but is now back in the hands of the local community which formed a SCIO in 2017.

Sandy's is an inclusive, welcoming place for people of all ages and backgrounds, both long term residents and people new to Scotland and our community.

After school and youth clubs


A programme of after-school clubs, youth work and strong links with local schools support all families to give children opportunities, nutritious food, friendships and fun.

Accessible, inclusive activities


Our centre welcomes people of all nationalities with groups from cooking to gardening helping us to share our cultures. An ESOL group supports people to build new lives here in Edinburgh.

By local people for local people
Indoors and outdoors 

Sandy's Community Centre

76 Craigmillar Castle Avenue


EH16 4DW


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